Evaluating Your Startup Idea

Got a new idea for a startup company? I know, it’s pretty exciting! But before you go running off to dropout out of school or quit your job, there are somethings you should think through. Recently a mentor of mine shared these questions that I’ll like to pass on.

To help you evaluate your idea, reflect on and answer these questions:

  1. What is the specific problem that you see and are trying to solve?
  2. Who are the customers and specifically the target customer segment?
  3. What are the pain points that your target customers face?
  4. What are the specific use cases of your target customers?
  5. What existing solutions are trying to solve that problem?
  6. What is the product or solution that you intend to deliver?
  7. What is your permission/ reason to believe you can deliver that product or solution? i.e. your team’s skill sets, or a solution that you are able to build on.
  8. What are the risks to success that you see, and what are the ways that you intend to mitigate them?


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